The Museum Store at Dinosaur State Park
view of bookshop at Dinosaur State Parkview of Friends' bookshop at Dinosaur State Park

The Museum Store in the Exhibit Center building is owned and operated by the Friends of Dinosaur Park and Arboretum, Inc. The Board of Directors oversees the operation of the store. All profits from sales are used to help fund projects, events and activities at Dinosaur State Park.

Shopping Hours

Hours - The Museum Store is now open:                                   Tuesday through Sunday, from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM,              when the Exhibit Center is open to the public.

The Place to Shop for Dinosaur-related Gifts and Souvenirs

The Museum Store has a selection of dinosaur models, fossils, minerals, t-shirts, books, videos, games, jewelry, posters, and more. Our store items have been specially selected for their quality and value.  When you shop at our store, you support the educational mission of the Friends. Profits from the store which is run by the Friends of Dinosaur Park and Arboretum are used to help fund programs, exhibits, arboretum plantings, publications and equipment at the Park.

Friends of Dinosaur State Park and Arboretum, Inc
Dinosaur State Park
400 West Street 
Rocky Hill, CT 06033