Special Programs at Dinosaur State Park
Activities at Dinosaur State Park are family-oriented. With funding from the Friends of Dinosaur Park and Arboretum, Inc., the park presents special programs featuring topics related to dinosaurs and the natural history of the Connecticut Valley. The public is invited to attend. Admission is usually free with park admission.
Ongoing Activities
View films: Films are shown in the park's auditorium. The film, Step into the Early Jurassic, and the animated film, Stepping Through Time, are frequently scheduled. Visitors may request films during the week. Speak with someone at the Admission Desk.
Meet the park’s animals: The Discovery Room has many live animals who resemble or trace their lineage back to the creatures that roamed the Earth during the early Jurassic.
Track Talks: A staff member will answer questions about the tracks and discuss what Connecticut was like in the early Jurassic period. Call the park for the schedule.
Discovery Room Activities: Examine fossil boxes. Investigate rocks and crystals. Work on puzzles. Read books. Make a Dinosaur Tracks Bookmark. Listen to bird calls. Identify dinosaurs on the magnetic wall and much more.
Outdoors: Mine for gems and fossils at the Mining Sluice (a seasonal activity). Go on a Bingo scavenger hunt. Work on Letter boxing and Earth cache activities.
Films at Dinosaur State Park
Check at the Front Desk for the day's schedule of films. |